常見問題 FAQ
Q: 為甚麼我要使用ChopStick賞食 應用程式?
A: 透過ChopStick賞食 應用程式,你可以:
– 賺取及兌換ChopStick積分
– 獨享會員專屬優惠
– 隨時隨地掌握最新優惠,不會錯過任何精彩禮遇
Q: 甚麼是ChopStick 獎賞?
A: 「ChopStick獎賞」涵蓋優惠劵及各種ChopStick合作夥伴的優惠產品及精品。當你以積分兌換獎賞時,你會透過ChopStick賞食 應用程式收到專屬的獎賞二維碼。其後,你只需在購物或用餐付款時出示此二維碼,就可使用獎賞。每項獎賞均受相關條款及細則約束,你可在兌換積分前參閱詳情。
Q: 我忘記登入密碼應如何重設?
A:進入 ChopStick賞食 應用程式登入頁面,按「忘記密碼」並按照步驟重設。你可以選擇透過電郵地址或手機號碼重設密碼。請注意,只有於 ChopStick賞食 登記電郵地址,方可以透過電郵地址重設密碼及/或驗證碼。
1.1) 選擇透過電郵地址重設
1.2) 輸入你登記的電郵地址並提交
1.3) 你將收到 ChopStick賞食 發送的電郵。請按電郵中的「重設密碼」連結
1.4) 輸入新密碼並於確認密碼一欄再次輸入相同密碼。然後按「更新」完成重設密碼
2.1) 選擇透過手機號碼重設
2.2) 輸入你登記的手機號碼,然後按下一步
2.3) 短訊驗證將發送至你已登記的手機號碼中. 輸入短訊驗證碼並選擇下一步
2.4) 輸入新密碼並於確認密碼一欄再次輸入相同密碼。然後按「更新」完成重設密碼
Q: 我沒有收到“重設密碼” 的電郵,怎麽辦?
A: 你可能於ChopStick賞食 賬戶登記了另一個電郵地址, 請查閱其他電郵地址或查看已登記郵箱內的垃圾郵箱。如果你查看後仍然未收到「重設密碼」 的郵件,請與我們聯絡。
Q: 我曾經是舊ChopStick 的會員,現使用相同手機號碼重新註冊新版本 ChopStick 賞食 會員賬戶。為什麼我的優惠券及積分並沒有轉移至新版本 ChopStick 賞食 會員賬戶?
A: 由於 舊ChopStick 積分於每年3月31作重新結算, 所以新版本 ChopStick 賞食 會員賬戶可能沒有 舊ChopStick 積分。而優惠券普遍而言需於兌換後45天內使用, 所以新版本 ChopStick 賞食 會員賬戶可能沒有 舊ChopStick 的優惠券。
Q: 為什麼我收不到驗證碼?
A: 有時短訊有可能會延遲或遺失,若你沒有接收到驗證碼請稍等片刻並檢查你所輸入的手機號碼是否正確,請重新輸入正確的電話號碼,然後要求重發以便你完成此步驟。如你為一卡兩號用戶,如該情況重覆出現,請嘗試聯絡你的手機網絡供應商。
A:你可於ChopStick賞食 應用程式頁面頂部查看你的積分結餘。
Q: 我可在哪裏查閱我的積分交易記錄?
A: 於 ChopStick賞食 應用程式登入你的賬戶。按「積分結餘」,即可查閱最近交易記錄 (最近三個月)。
A:於 ChopStick賞食 應用程式登入你的賬戶,按「獎賞」即可查閱。
A:於 ChopStick賞食 應用程式登入你的賬戶。按「我的優惠劵」即可查閱,以作記錄及參考。
Q: 我可以擁有多於一個ChopStick賞食 賬戶嗎?
A: 很抱歉,不可以。每人在ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃下只可擁有一個ChopStick賞食 賬戶。
Q: 在哪可找到我的ChopStick 會員號碼 (ID)?
A: 你可在ChopStick賞食 應用程式的頁面底部找到「 ID」,開啟後會顯示會員號碼 (ID)及會員二維碼。
Q: 我如何更新密碼、電郵地址、電話號碼等個人資料到ChopStick賞食 賬戶?
A: 只需透過 ChopStick賞食 應用程式登入你的賬戶,到「帳戶」-> 「個人資料」一欄,選擇你需更改的資料,依照簡單指示,即可更改你的資料。請注意,如果您正在使用「ChopStick賞食」手機APP,您的電郵和手機號碼也會與您的登入資料相連。此外,個人的出生日期無法更改。
Q:我可同時於多個設備上登錄ChopStick賞食 應用程式嗎?
Q: ChopStick賞食 應用程式支援哪些設備?
A: 要求如下: 運行 Android 6.0 或以上 或 iOS 10 的流動電話。
Q: 若我遺失安裝有ChopStick賞食 應用程式的流動裝置,應該怎麼辦?
A: 若您遺失的流動裝置內的帳戶已登入,請立即與我們聯絡或到更改密碼,以避免程式內資料被盗用
Q: 我看到一個心儀的優惠,我該如何換取?
A: 您在ChopStick賞食 應用程式中看到的大部分優惠,都可即時兌換並使用。然而,個別優惠有可能需要先進行兌換。成功以積分兌換優惠劵後,優惠劵會隨即添加到“我的優惠劵”內,您可即時使用這些優惠劵,但請留意優惠劵有使用期限, 詳情請查閱優惠劵內之條款。使用優惠劵時,需於“我的優惠劵”詳細訊息內掃描二維碼以換取優惠。 優惠一經換取,該優惠劵二維碼無法再次使用。
Q: 我在“獎賞”與“我的最愛”中所看到的優惠有什麼不同?
A: 在“獎賞” 內,您可瀏覽所有會員優惠,包括一般會員優惠及一些我們為您挑選的會員優惠。請注意,有些優惠受個別條款及細則約束及/或需要先啟動才能使用。在“我的最愛”,您可查閱所有你較早前感興趣已儲存的優惠。
Q: 我曾見過一個優惠,為什麼現在卻找不到了?
Q; 為何我跟我的朋友會收到不同的優惠?
A:ChopStick 致力為每位會員帶來最精彩且獨特的優惠與禮遇。我們明白會員每天都有機會獲享不同的優惠資訊等,這些大量的資訊有可能讓您錯過那些與您相關的優惠與禮遇。因此,ChopStick賞食 會精心挑選您可能感興趣的優惠。若你還沒有收到合你心意的優惠, 請您於個人資料中,填寫更多詳細訊息,完善個人資訊,好讓我們提供更多適合您需要的優惠。
Q: 為什麼註冊時我收到了「此手機號碼已被另一賬戶登記」的訊息?
A: 你的手機號碼或許先前已被其他人用來登記,回收手機號碼重用的情況在香港並非罕見。如收到此訊息,你仍可以你的手機號碼重新開設ChopStick賞食 賬戶。只需要在ChopStick賞食 應用程式選擇「開設新賬戶」,然後依照頁面中的簡單指示,就可以你的手機號碼開設新賬戶。我們會以短訊形式,向此手機號碼發出一次性密碼,以核實此為你的手機號碼。若你仍然無法註冊,請與我們聯絡。
Q: 甚麼是一次性密碼(OTP) 或 驗證碼?
A: 一次性密碼(OTP) 驗證碼可用來保護賬戶,防止欺詐行為。我們需要核實你是否為有關手機號碼或電郵地址的擁有人,因此我們會向你發出一次性密碼,並要求你在一定時間內在頁面中輸入該一次性密碼。有時短訊有可能會延遲或遺失,若你沒有接收到驗證碼請稍等片刻並檢查你輸入的手機號碼是否正確,然後要求重發。若發現電話號碼不正確,請重新輸入正確的電話號碼,之後我們將向你發送新的一次性密碼以便你完成此步驟。
Q: 我可以開設賬戶與家人分享嗎?
A: 我們不建議此做法。由於 ChopStick賞食 屬於個人獎賞計劃,我們希望可以給每位會員提供專屬的優惠及獎賞。
Q: 我可以終止ChopStick賞食 賬戶嗎?
A: 很遺憾不能為你提供愉快的體驗. 你可以電郵向我們提交關閉賬戶申請,我們將會爲你處理。
Q: 如我有親友離世,可以為其終止賬戶嗎?
A: 如你是其合法繼承人,可以協助終止其賬戶。請與我們聯絡,我們會協助你終止其賬戶。
Q:我如何註冊ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃?
A: 註冊方法快捷簡單:
1. 在Apple App Store或Google Play Store下載ChopStick賞食 應用程式。
2. 按照頁面顯示的程序進行註冊。
完成註冊後,您將獲派一個會員號碼.現在,你可開始賺取ChopStick賞食 積分或以積分兌換精彩禮遇優惠及獎賞!
Q: ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃是否收費?
A: ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃完全免費,歡迎參加!
Q: 參加ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃有年齡限制嗎?
A: 你必須年滿18歲,但若你未滿18歲,則必須獲得你的家長或法定監護人的授權,並且必須確保他們同意你按照我們的條款及細則以及私隱政策成為ChopStick賞食 會員,你才可申請成為ChopStick賞食 會員。詳情請參閲條款及細則以及私隱政策。
Q: 我不在香港居住,可以成為ChopStick賞食 會員嗎?
A: 可以,你只需要一個香港電話號碼,即可註冊成為ChopStick賞食 會員。
Q: 我如何可賺取ChopStick賞食 積分?
A: 你可每次於ChopStick賞食 合作夥伴購物或用餐時,向店員出示你的ChopStick 賞食 ID (你的會員二維碼)或輸入會員編號,然後獲取積分。有關積分將會自動加入ChopStick賞食 賬戶。請注意,有關積分可能在你於消費後7天才會顯示於應用程式。另外,部分合作夥伴可能無法賺取ChopStick賞食 積分或兌換獎賞,詳情可在「商戶」查看或參閱我們的條款及細則。
Q: 我如何賺取額外積分?
A: 我們透過ChopStick賞食 應用程式不定期提供額外積分優惠,助你賺取額外積分!不妨每天查看ChopStick賞食 應用程式,選擇可賺取額外積分的心儀優惠。這些優惠會儲存在應用程式中,待你使用這些優惠時,額外積分會自動加入賬戶;部分優惠可能需要你在付款時向店員出示優惠的二維碼。請查看活動詳情。
Q: 如果我想買的產品 / 服務,可同時適用於兩個倍數積分優惠,那我可以賺取多少積分呢?
A: 如果同一產品或服務適用於一個以上的倍數積分優惠,每消費$1在該產品或服務上只能獲取一次基本積分。
Q: 若我以禮券或現金券付款,可否賺取積分?
A: 基本上如以禮券或ChopStick賞食 優惠券支付(全部或部分)款項,你不可以賺取ChopStick賞食 積分。但部分禮券或ChopStick賞食 優惠券或有例外。請參閱禮券的條款及細則。
Q: 我在結帳時忘記掃描ChopStick賞食 ID,我仍可賺取積分嗎?
A: 我們只接受結帳時出示會員二維號方可賺取積分。若因技術問題無法賺取積分,你可在付款日期起計7天內,你需要把收據正本掃描或影印,並在收據寫上你的ChopStick賞食 ID,然後電郵至我們,我們很樂意助你將有關積分入賬。用作補回積分的單據上之購物日期及時間,必須是成為會員的日期及時間之後。
Q: 我賺取積分後,可以怎樣使用?
A: 你可以用積分兌換優惠券或 ChopStick賞食 應用程式內的換領一系列豐富獎賞。
Q: 我可購買 ChopStick賞食 積分嗎?
A: 很抱歉,不可以。
Q: 我可將ChopStick賞食 積分兌換為現金嗎?
A: 很抱歉,ChopStick賞食 積分不能兌換為現金。
Q: ChopStick賞食 積分有限期嗎?
A: ChopStick賞食 會籍及積分有效期為12個月(由加入會籍月份起計),實際有效期請登入ChopStick賞食 查閱。會員需於積分有效期前兌換獎賞,逾期作廢。(獎賞詳情請參閱獎賞內條款及細則約束) 假如你連續兩年沒有賺取或兌換任何ChopStick賞食 積分,我們會假設你無意繼續參與ChopStick賞食 獎賞計劃並會終止你的賬戶。在終止賬戶時,任何未使用的ChopStick 積分將會作廢。
Q:如我需要辦理退貨或退款,我仍可保留已賺取的ChopStick賞食 積分嗎?
A:當你在任何ChopStick賞食 合作夥伴辦理退款,有關積分將自動從ChopStick賞食 賬戶扣除。
Q: 我選擇了一項優惠並已完成購物,但似乎未見ChopStick賞食 積分入賬 / 賺取的積分似乎少於應有的數額,為甚麼?
A: 如在購物後未見積分入賬,可能是因為以下原因:
1. 付款時有否掃瞄你的ChopStick賞食 ID?如忘記掃瞄ChopStick賞食 ID,該交易則不能賺取ChopStick賞食 積分。
2. 各ChopStick賞食 合作夥伴或有不同的購物條款及細則,詳情可在ChopStick賞食 合作夥伴網站或ChopStick賞食 應用程式內查閱。部分條款及細則包括:
– 日期限制:你可能在該優惠有效期以外的時間購物
– 購物限制:你有否購買了正確的產品類型、類別或數量?有關優惠可能需要你購買指定的產品及數量
– 部分產品可能不能賺取積分, 如膠袋等其他產品亦不能賺取積分。
Q: 我如何確保自己不會錯失最佳優惠?
A: 請每天查看你的ChopStick賞食 應用程式!應用程式顯示我們為你精心安排的種種精彩優惠及獎賞。優惠及獎賞不時更新,你只要啟用ChopStick賞食 應用程式內的通知功能,就不會錯失任何機會。我們亦會定期發放最新優惠資訊。
Q: 我可與其他人分享這些優惠嗎?
A: 很抱歉,其他人不能享有我們給你的優惠。
Q: 如何使用我的優惠劵?
A: 你可以於兩個地方找出帶有二維碼的優惠劵:
1. 頁面置頂的「我的優惠券」
2. 頁面下方中間二維碼, 「我的優惠券」。
Q: 我的獎賞會過期嗎?
Q: 甚麼是獎賞券?
A: 優惠劵就像禮品卡。你只要累積指定ChopStick賞食 積分,就可將積分兌換為優惠劵,在合作夥伴消費時使用。
Q: 我可怎樣將ChopStick賞食 積分兌換成優惠劵?
A: 你在ChopStick賞食 應用程式以積分兌換優惠劵後,你會立即收到優惠劵並可以直接在我們的合作夥伴消費時使用。
Q: 我可在哪裏使用優惠劵?
A:你可在參閱我們合作夥伴列表, 然後選擇你希望使用的優惠劵金額或數量,即可於我們的合作夥伴使用優惠劵。
Q: 我可同時使用多於一張的優惠劵嗎?
A: 視乎情況。在大部份情況下不可以在消費時使用一張或以上的優惠劵,但有時候的優惠活動容許使用一張或以上的優惠劵。使用優惠劵時請查閱優惠劵的條款及細則。
Q: 使用優惠券或現金券設有找贖嗎?
A: 使用優惠卷或現金券不設找贖,購物金額應盡量高於優惠卷或現金券的面額。如購物金額低於優惠券或現金券面額,你仍然可以使用優惠券或現金券付款,但兩者差額不能退回。
Q: 我可以退回優惠券嗎?
A:以積分兌換優惠卷後,積分就不可退回。因此,請確認需要兌換該優惠卷,在兌換前先閱讀ChopStick賞食 應用程式有關兌換優惠卷的條款及細則。
Q: 我的優惠卷有限期嗎?
A: 有,詳情請參閱優惠劵內條款及細則。
Q: 以積分兌換優惠劵後,優惠劵沒有在應用程式内顯示。怎麼辦?
A: 以ChopStick賞食 積分兌換優惠劵後,優惠劵會立即於ChopStick應用程式頁面置頂的「我的優惠券」或頁面下方接中間二維碼內顯示。如你沒有收到,頁面亦沒有顯示,請與我們聯繫。
Q: 我可在哪裏查閱獎賞?
A: 登入ChopStick賞食 應用程式後,按「獎賞」查看可供換領的獎賞。
Q: 我可以在同一次購物中使用超過一項獎賞嗎?
A: 視乎情況。在大部份情況下每次消費最多可使用一項獎賞,但有時候的優惠活動容許商家優惠及使用一張或以上的優惠劵。每項獎賞受相關條款及細則約束,使用優惠劵時請查閱優惠劵的條款及細則。
Q: 獎賞有限期嗎?
A: 每項獎賞各有不同限期。每項獎賞受相關條款及細則約束,以積分兌換獎賞前可參閱有關詳情。
Q: 我可以退回獎賞嗎?
A: 一旦以ChopStick賞食 積分兌換獎賞後,有關積分將不可退回。因此,以ChopStick賞食 積分兌換獎賞之前,請先仔細閱讀有關條款及細則。
Q: 我是舊ChopStick (ChopStick 1.0)的會員,是否仍需要註冊新ChopStick賞食 (ChopStick 2.0)計劃?
A: 是的。ChopStick 1.0 現在已轉為 ChopStick 2.0計劃。因此,如要繼續賺取及使用積分,你需要重新註冊ChopStick 2.0計劃。當你收到邀請後,只需按程序註冊即可. ChopStick 1.0 積分有效期將會延期, 實際有效日期請於ChopStick賞食 應用程式內查看。如需協助,請與我們聯絡。
Q:我將舊ChopStick賞食 (ChopStick 1.0)賬戶轉換為 新ChopStick (ChopStick 2.0)後,我仍可以使用ChopStick 1.0賺取及兌換ChopStick積分嗎?
A: 不可以。ChopStick 2.0 劃已取代舊ChopStick 1.0計劃,你可在ChopStick 2.0 賺取ChopStick積分,享受我們為你特設的獎賞及優惠!
Q: 為何我要升級成為新ChopStick賞食 (ChopStick 2.0)會員?
A: 舊ChopStick(ChopStick 1.0) 積分只可在獲取該積分的商戶兌換, 新ChopStick賞食 (ChopStick 2.0)
Q: 為何我的ChopStick賞食 應用程式會自動登出?
A:ChopStick賞食 會不定時更新應用程式以升級我們的服務,並為顧客帶來更多禮遇。在更新過程中,系統有可能會要求顧客重新登入,以享用最新的服務。
Q: 我沒有在應用程式或電郵收到ChopStick賞食 通訊。怎麼辦?
Q: 我為何會收到ChopStick賞食 應用程式的推送通知?如何取消接收ChopStick賞食 通訊?
A: 我們對此表示相當遺憾。你可於自己的裝置上關閉應用程式通知:你將不會再收到應用程式推送通知。 但是,其他方式的推廣訊息將不受影響。你可隨時在應用程式的「設定」更改通訊選擇,系統會在7日内作出更改。如你已非會員但仍收到我們的通訊電郵,我們謹此致歉。請與我們聯繫,我們會在7日内把你從電郵名單中移除。你亦可在會員資料中更新推廣喜好:您將不會收到任何途徑的推廣訊息。
Q: 我應該在瀏覽器啟用cookies嗎?
A: 為了獲得瀏覽我們網站的最佳體驗,請在瀏覽器啟用cookies。
Q: 我的私隱及個人資料得到保護嗎?
Q:我可以在不提供個人資料的情況下使用ChopStick賞食 應用程式嗎?
A: 使用ChopStick賞食 應用程式,用戶需要提供手機號碼及姓名等必要資料登入應用程式,賺取積分及查閱優惠。然而,為了更迎合用戶需求,我們亦希望你提供更多資料給我們,使我們提供更切合你的優惠及資訊。
Q: ChopStick賞食 將從用戶那裡收集哪些資料?
Q: 我如何與ChopStick賞食 聯繫?
A:你可透過Facebook Messenger 、電郵與我們聯繫。我們的辦工時間為星期一至五早上十時至下午六時(公眾假期除外)。
Q: Why should I use ChopStick App?
A: Because in ChopStick App you may enjoy those many benefits. With ChopStick App, you can:
– Earn and redeem ChopStickPoints
– Enjoy special offers personalized just for ChopStick member
– Get the latest and exciting offers that you will never miss out
Q: What is ChopStick reward?
A: ChopStick rewards include coupons, discount offers and products with ChopStick partners. You will receive a specific QR code in ChopStick Apps when you redeem the point as rewards or coupons. To enjoy your rewards, you may show the QR code on your specific coupon when you pay. Each reward and coupons are subject to our Terms & Conditions, you shall check those details before your redemption or use.
Q: I forgot my login password. Can I reset the password?
A: You may go on the login page, then click “Forgot password” follow the step to reset the password. You may reset the password by email or SMS verify.
1)Reset password by email :
1.1) Select reset password by email
1.2) Type in your registration email and submit
1.3) You will receive an email by ChopStick. Click the “reset password” link and follow the step.
1.4) Type in your new password and confirm your new password then click “finish”.
2)Reset password by SMS verify
2.1) Select reset password by SMS verify
2.2) Type in your registration mobile number.
2.3) You may receive the SMS verification code to your mobile, type in the SMS verification code.
2.4) Type in your new password and confirm your new password then click “finish”.
Q: I did not receive the “reset password” by email or SMS. What should I do?
A: One of the reasons you may use another email account when you do the registration, please check another email or the junk mail box. If you still cannot find the reset password email on your mailbox, please contact us.
Q: I was the Old ChopStick member, I used the same mobile number to be the New ChopStick member. Why are there no ChopStick points and coupons in my New ChopStick account?
A: In old ChopStick version, the point will expired on 31st March yearly, therefore, your New ChopStick account may not have those old ChopStick points. For the coupons, usually will expired after 45 days once you redeem, therefore, your New ChopStick account may not have those old ChopStick coupons.
Q: Why I cannot receive the verification code?
A: Sometimes SMS may get delayed or lost, please wait a moment and confirm the mobile number which you entered is correct, then request another new verification code.
Q:Where can I check the points balance?
A:Please log in your account in ChopStick then you will see your points balance at the top of the screen.
Q: Where can I check the points transaction history?
A: Please log in your account in ChopStick then click “ Account “ -> “Transactions” you will be able to check your recent points transactions (within three months).
Q: How do I check my Rewards?
A: Please login your account in ChopStick then click “ Rewards”.
Q: How do I check my Coupons?
A: Please login your account in ChopStick then click “ My coupons”.
Q: Can I own more than one ChopStick account?
A: Sorry, the ChopStick Rewards Programme only allows one ChopStick account per person.
Q: Where can I find my ChopStick member ID?
A: Please login your account in ChopStick ,you may find “ID” on the bottom, click it and it will show your member ID with the QR code.
Q: How do I update my email address, mobile number or any other personal details in my ChopStick account?
A: Please login your account in ChopStick, go “account” -> “ “personal information” ,follow the instructions to update your information. Please check your email address and mobile number may link up with your login information. Moreover, the date of birth can not be changed.
Q: Can I login my account on multiple devices at the same time?
A: Sorry, you can only login to one device at the same time.
Q: Any software requirements of ChopStick?
A: The software requirements are as follows: Android 6.0 or IOS 10 or above.
Q: If I lose my mobile device which had ChopStick app installed, what should I do?
A: If you have lost your mobile device which has been logged in, we highly recommend you to contact us or change your password on ChopStick immediately to avoid misuse of the account.
Q: How could I redeem the reward?
A: Most of the rewards that you saw on ChopStick can be redeemed and used at the same time. However, some rewards may have to be redeemed as a coupon first. You may check the coupon on “My Coupons” to check and use the coupon with the coupon’s QR code. All coupons have the expiration date and terms and conditions. Once the coupon has been used, the coupon’s QR code will expire.
Q: What are the differences between the rewards that I see in “Rewards” and “ My Favorite” ?
A: “Rewards” allows you to browse those member offers which are still within the validity period, including member offers and premium offers which we have selected for you .
“My Favorite” allows you to review all the offers that you are interested and saved in.
Q: I saw an offer before but I cannot find it anymore?
A: It may be because the offer has already expired.
Q; Why do my friends and I receive different offers?
A:ChopStick understands that our members are entitled to a lot of different offers every day and it may let you miss out or overlook the ones which are related to you. Therefore, ChopStick may select those and send those offers which we think you will be interested in.
If you did not receive the right offer, please let us know more about you by filling details under your profile. It may help us to identify the right offers for you.
Q: Why did I receive “We’ve found an account with this mobile number” while registering?
A: It may be because your phone number has been used by someone else previously, as mobile numbers are frequently recycled in Hong Kong. If you receive the message, you can reclaim your mobile number and set up the new ChopStick account. Simply choose “ Create a new account” in ChopStick Apps and follow the steps to create a new account with your mobile number. We will send you a one-time password via SMS to verify the mobile number is yours. If you cannot register, please contact us.
Q: What is an “OTP”?
A: One-time password (OTP) helps us to protect your account from fraud. We will send you an OTP while we need to verify you are the owner of the mobile number or email that you are using and you have to enter into the relevant screen within 15 minutes. Sometimes SMS may get delayed or lost, please request another OTP if the OTP does not arrive within 3 minutes. Please also check you have entered the correct mobile number. If not, please enter the correct mobile number and we will send you a new OTP to ensure you may complete the process.
Q: Can I set up the account and share with my family?
A: We are not suggesting this solution since ChopStick is a personal rewards programme and we tailor offers and rewards for you.
Q: Can I terminate my ChopStick account?
A: We are sorry to hear about this news. You may contact us to terminate your ChopStick account and we will take care of it for you.
Q: If my relative has passed away. Can I terminate his/her account?
A: We are sorry to hear about this news. If you are the legal authority to act on behalf of a deceased person, please contact us to terminate the account.
Q: How do I join the ChopStick rewards programme?
Step 1: Download the ChopStick app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Step 2: Follow the steps to register
After the registration, you may have your own member number. Now you may start to earn or redeem the rewards and premium.
Q: Do I have to pay to join the ChopStick rewards programme?
A: It is free to join.
Q: How old do I have to be to join the ChopStick rewards programme?
A: You have to be at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, you may join the ChopStick rewards programme with your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission and ensure they agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy of being a ChopStick member. Please visit our terms and conditions and privacy policy to know more details.
Q: Do I need to be a resident to join the ChopStick?
A: You need a Hong Kong mobile number to sign up for a ChopStick account.
Q: How can I earn ChopStick points?
A: Show you ChopStick ID (the member QR code in your Apps) every time you shop with our partners to earn the points. There may be some exceptions, for details please go “Outlets” or visit our terms and conditions. ChopStick points will automatically be added to your balance. Please note that the points may take up to7 days to show in your Apps after your purchase.
Q: How do I earn bonus points?
A: For you to meet your target rewards, ChopStick will provide the bonus points offered to you randomly. Check your ChopStick every day to select and save your offers, the bonus points will be added in your points balance automatically. You may show the offer QR code to the staff of some offer requested. Please follow the procedure for each offer.
Q: If there is more than one promotion coins offer on the goods or service which Ibuy, how many coins do I get?
A: If the goods or service has more than one promotion coin offer, ChopStick coins may only be issued once for each HK$1 spent on the goods or service.
Q: Can I earn ChopStick points by using a store or gift voucher as payment method?
A: In general, if you pay by using a store or gift voucher (in full or part with), you may earn ChopStick points. However, there may be some exceptions. For details, please visit the terms and condition of the voucher or reach out to staff for enquiries.
Q: I forgot to let the staff scan my member ID when I paid the bill. Can I earn the coins?
A: I forgot to let the staff scan my member ID when I paid the bill. Can I earn the coins?
A: Sorry, you may only earn coins and let the staff scan the member code while the payment transaction. If there has any technical issues, 心lease scan or make a photocopy of your original receipt within 7 days starting from the receipt date, and your ChopStick member ID number on the receipt. Contact us and we will add those missing points to your account. Please note that claim will only be accepted when you are the ChopStick member at the time of your purchase.
Q: How do I use the ChopStick points?
A: You can redeem your points for coupons or goods or services which you will be able to see in ChopStick Apps.
Q: Can I buy extra ChopStick points?
A: Sorry, cannot. But you can check your ChopStick every day to select and save your offers, it may have extra points offered to you
Q: Can I redeem ChopStick points for cash?
A: Sorry, cannot. But you can redeem the coupon or goods or services.
Q: Will ChopStick points expire?
A: ChopStick membership and points will expire after 12 months (counting from the joint month), please visit ChopStick Apps to check the expiry date. Members have to redeem the points as coupons or goods or services, unspent points will expire (Please visit the terms and conditions for more details). If you do not earn or redeem any points on your ChopStick account for two consecutive years, we will assume you have no interest to take part in ChopStick rewards programme and close your account. All the unspent points will expire.
Q:What happens to points earned on purchase if I have to refund?
A: The points related to that purchase will be deducted from your account automatically.
Q: What happens to my points that seem to be missing or less than I expected when I chose an offer and made a purchase?
A: There are a few different reasons to cause it happen:
1. Have you shown your member QR code to the staff while purchasing? If you forgot to show, you may not earn the point in that transaction.
2. Purchase terms and conditions vary for each ChopStick partner, please check on ChopStick Apps or their respective websites. Terms and conditions might include:
– Date limitations: your purchase may have been made out of the eligible period for that offer.
– Purchase restrictions: Have you brought those specific products or categories or quantities you need to buy? Some offers may have their requirements.
– Some products such as plastic bags may not earn the point. Please contact us if you need help with the points.
Please feel free to contact us if there had any issue.
Q: How to make sure I would not miss out on those offers to me?
A: You may check your ChopStick Apps everyday to find those great offers and rewards which we personalize for you only.You may also turn on your ChopStick Apps notifications that you may have received the first-hand news and offers from ChopStick.
Q: Can I share my offer to others?
A: Sorry, cannot.
Q: How do I use the coupons?
A: You may visit the Apps to check the coupons with QR code.
1. The top of each screen “My Coupons”
2. 2. The bottom of each screen “ID” and scroll down to check “My Coupons”
Q: Is there any expiry date on Coupons?
A: Yes, the validity period for rewards vary. Please check the term and condition on every reward before the redemption.
Q: What are coupons?
A: You may redeem ChopStick points as coupons when you have accumulated enough points. After that you will receive a unique QR code in ChopStick Apps that you may show the code when purchasing or redeem the premium. Please check the terms and conditions before redeem your points.
Q: Can I change my ChopStick points as coupons?
A: You may redeem your ChopStick points as coupon in apps, you may enjoy your coupons onc you received.
Q: Where can I use the coupons?
A: You can use the coupons at our partner shops, select the amount or quantity of coupons you would like to redeem.
Q: Can I use more than one coupon in the same purchase?
A: Most of the time you may only use one coupon in the same purchase, but sometimes it may allow you to use more than one coupon. Please check the coupons terms and conditions.
Q: Will I get changed if the value of the coupons is more than my purchase?
A: No, your entire coupons must be used in purchase. If the purchase price is less than coupons, you may still use the coupons but you would not get change for the difference between.
Q:Can I return the coupons?
A: Sorry, cannot. The coupon cannot return once you have redeemed your point as coupons. Before your redeem, we suggest visiting our terms and conditions on every coupon before your redeem.
Q: Is there any expiry date on coupons?
A: Yes, please check the terms and conditions on the coupon.
Q: I used the points to redeem the coupons, but the coupons did not show on ChopStick Apps. What should I do?
A: You may check your coupons on the top of each screen “My Coupons” or the bottom of each screen “ID” and scroll down to check “My Coupons”. If you did not receive your coupons, please contact us.
Q: Where can I check the rewards?
A: You can login your account then click “Rewards” to check.
Q: Is there any expiry date on rewards ?
A: Yes, please check the terms and conditions on the rewards page .
Q: I have joined the ChopStick rewards programme (ChopStick 1.0) before, do I have to register for the New ChopStick rewards programme (ChopStick 2.0)?
A: Yes. Since ChopStick 1.0 is upgraded as ChopStick 2.0 so that you may login to ChopStick 2.0 rewards programme to earn and use the ChopStick points. Follow the simple steps, the expiry date of your points in ChopStick 1.0 will be extended. For the point expiry date, please go and check in ChopStick 2.0 Apps. Feel free to contact us if you have any difficulty.
Q: I upgraded my member account from ChopStick (ChopStick 1.0) to New ChopStick (ChopStick 2.0). Can I use ChopStick 1.0 to earn and use the ChopStick points?
A: Sorry, cannot. Since ChopStick 1.0 is upgraded as ChopStick 2.0, you may earn and use ChopStick points in ChopStick 2.0. Enjoy those offers and rewards!
Q: Why do I have to upgrade as a New ChopStick (ChopStick 2.0) member?
A: In ChopStick 1.0, you may only use the point from that merchant you earn. In ChopStick 2.0, you may not only use the point in different merchants but also redeem those excited premiums. Let earn and use become more flexible and bring you a new experience.
Q: Why does the ChopStick App sometimes automatically log me out?
A: To upgrade our services and provide you with an improved user experience, we will update the ChopStick Apps. You may need to log in again after the upgrade.
Q: I did not receive ChopStick news via the apps or SMS or email. What should I do?
A: Please log in your account in apps, go to “Settings” at the bottom left of your screen and click “Notifications” , turn on the button to receive apps or SMS or email news about ChopStick.
Q: I don’t want to receive ChopStick news. What should I do?
A: We are sorry to hear about this news. You may turn off your notification in your mobile, you may not receive the push notification . However, the important news is not included. change your communication preferences in “setting” in apps and it may take up to 7 days for the change. If you have received the news from us and you are not our member, please take our apologies. Please contact us and we will remove your contact from the list. It may take up to 7 days for the change.
Q: Should I enable cookies on my browser?
A: You may enable cookies since cookies enable us to give you the best experience when you visit our website.
Q: How do you protect my privacy and personal details?
A:Your personal details are treated as confidential and we have a strict policy on privacy. Please visit our website to see our Terms and Conditions and Data Policy details and the reason why we need your personal information and how we will use it.
Q:Can I use the ChopStick Apps without providing my personal information?
A: You need to provide at least a mobile number and email and name to log in for earn coins and browse the offer. It will be good if you would like to share extra information which may help us to provide the suitable offer and rewards to you.
Q: What types of information will ChopStick collect from users?
A:We may collect your mobile number, name, email, date of birth and gender (if you would like to provide), we will keep in touch and inform you about the latest offers.
Q: How can I contact the ChopStick team?
A: You may chat with us by Facebook Messenger or email. Our working hours are between 10am to 6pm and Monday to Friday (exclude Public Holidays).